中国文化概论(一) | Chinese Culture & Civilization (I) |
中国文化海外传播 | Overseas Diffusion of Chinese Culture |
中国文化基础 | Basic Chinese Culture |
中国文化史论 | Chinese Culture and Civilization |
中国文化体验 | Chinese Culture Experience |
中国文化通论(二) | Chinese Culture & Civilization (II) |
中国文化通论(一) | Chinese Culture & Civilization (I) |
中国文化外译 | Translating Chinese Culture |
中国文化要籍导读 | Lectures on Chinese Cultural Classics |
中国文化艺术欣赏-交大 | Chinese Culture and Art Appreciation |
中国文物鉴赏-联大 | Chinese Cultural Relics Evaluation |
中国文学(二) | Chinese Literature (II) |
中国文学(三) | Chinese Literature (III) |
中国文学(一) | Chinese Literature (I) |
中国文学批评史 | History of Chinese Literary Criticism |
中国文学与宗教 | Chinese Literature and Religion |
中国舞考级1-2级-舞蹈学院 | Chinese Dance Grade Test: Level 1-2 |
中国现代诗歌专题 | Study of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry |
中国现代文学 | Chinese Modern Literature |
中国现代文学史(二) | History of Modern Chinese Literature (II) |
中国现代文学史(一) | History of Modern Chinese Literature (I) |
中国现当代女性文学专题 | Women's Literature of Modern?China |
中国现当代散文专题 | Study of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Essays |
中国现当代文学 | Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |