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成绩单中课程中文名称:EDA 技术与实验

成绩单翻译英文名称:EDA Technology and Experiment


EDA 即电子设计自动化,目前已成为现代数字系统设计的主要手段,是现代电子设计工程师所必需掌握的技术。它可以将几片到上千片中小规模集成电路集成到一块芯片中,从而使产品的集成度大大提高,且易于修改和反复下载写入。目前EDA 技术主要包括 HDL 语言、FPGA/CPLD 开发技术、SOPC(片上可编程系统)及 IC 设计技术等。

本课程主要讲授 FPGA 设计方法、VHDL 语言、SOPC(片上可编程系统);开设相应的实验, 具体实验内容包括 DDS、数字式频率计、串口通讯、桌面弹球等实验,可使学生掌握最新集成电路设计方法,培养学生的创新能力。


Course Description

EDA, electronic design automation has become the main means of modern digital system design and the necessary skills of modern electronic design engineers. It could integrate   thousands of IC into a   chip, which greatly increases the integration of products. Moreover, the chip is easy to modify and write repeatedly. EDA technology mainly includes HDL language, FPGA / CPLD development technology, SOPC and IC design technology.

EDA technology and experiment mainly teaches FPGA design methodologyVHDL language

SOPC(System On a Programmable Chip), and sets up FPGA design experiments. Experimental content includes DDS, digital frequency meter, serial communication, desktop pinball, etc. It will enable students to master the newest methods of integrated circuit design, and cultivate the students’ ability of innovation.

This course mainly focuses on experiments experimental platform is fully open for students who choose the course.

成绩单中课程中文名称: PLC 原理与应用

成绩单翻译英文名称: Principles and applications of PLC


PLC 原理与应用采用最新工业控制 PLC 平台——ControlLogix 控制器作为硬件控制平台,结合实际工程项目以实践方式为学生展示工业控制项目实施过程.学生通过项目学习方式掌握电气控制技术、PLC 的工作原理、PLC 编程技术及其应用,了解现场总线控制系统及其应用,在实践中锻炼分析问题、解决问题的实际操作能力。



Course Description

The course Principles and applications of PLC uses the most advance industrial control system

——ControlLogix as controller plant, combined with the actual engineering projects, shows students the process of project implementation. Students learning Electrical Control Technology, working principle of the PLC, PLC programming technique and their applications by project learning way, leaning fieldbus and control system, improve the Practical ability of analyzing problem and solve problem.

The course is open practice teaching mode, students take their convenience to practice, finish the project include requirements analysis, system design/selection, system wiring, hardware debugging, software programming /debugging and project summary analysis, the complete project implementation process.




